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Cole Haan Grand

Cole Haan Gift Cards

Gift Cards (physical and electronic) make the perfect gift when you need a present that’s sure to please. They are available in physical form - mailed in an elegant, branded sleeve, or electronic – sent via email to your recipient right away. Both are available in increments of $25 - $500.

Cole Haan reserves the right to refuse, cancel or hold for review gift cards and orders for suspected fraud, for cards mistakenly issued in an incorrect denomination, or for other violations of gift card policies.

Please note: All purchases of digital gift cards (“eGift Cards”) and the creation of a Gift Card Account are facilitated by our partner, Givex. Givex will be the seller of record on all communications, as well as on your billing statement and they will host your Gift Card Account. When you want to purchase an eGift Card you will be redirected to a Givex website that is Cole Haan branded, where you will be asked to enter your details. Please contact customer service if you have any questions about your eGift Card. Purchases of physical gift cards goes via the Cole Haan website.
Physical and eGift cards purchased can be used online at ColeHaan.com and any Cole Haan full-price or outlet retail store for purchases made in the United States.

The order total includes the price of product(s), sales tax where applicable and shipping costs. If the order total is more than the gift card amount, the remaining balance must be paid for by credit card. The gift card balance will immediately be reduced, while the credit card will not be charged until the items are shipped. Upon redemption, any unused balance shall be carried over for future ColeHaan.com or Cole Haan retail purchases except for Massachusetts’s residents who may request are fund on a credit card if 90% of the value is used.

To redeem more than one gift card, please enter each number during checkout and submit; your order subtotal will be updated as valid balance applies. Please note gift cards cannot be purchased using gift cards.
Where do I find my gift card number?
For security purposes, your card number is beneath the "scratch off" material on the back of a Cole Haan physical gift card. eGift card numbers can be found in the original email received. By creating a Gift Card account, you may register all Cole Haan gift cards for easy access as well.
View Your Balance
A gift card balance may be viewed by entering a valid gift card number on colehaan.com/gift-cards
Cole Haan gift cards may not be returned or cancelled after purchase.

If you return product originally purchased with a gift card, any refund will be returned to the original gift card.

If you return product originally purchased with multiple gift cards, the total dollar value will be returned to the most-recent purchased gift card. If you return product originally purchased with multiple methods of payment, any balance owed will first be applied to the gift card, up to the original amount charged, and then to the credit card.
Gift Card accounts
You may create a Cole Haan gift card account to register your gift card(s), save them conveniently to your digital wallet, add additional funds, or report them lost or stolen.
Lost or stolen gift cards
Gift cards will not be replaced if lost or stolen without proper proof of purchase. Sales tax, where applicable, will be applied at the time of redemption. Please contact us for a lost or stolen gift card inquiry, or log into your Cole Haan gift card account to report as lost.
International Orders
At this time, we are unable to accept or ship international orders for purchase or redemption of Cole Haan gift cards.
For questions regarding your physical gift card, contact Customer Service at 1-800-695-8945. For questions regarding your eGift card, please contact our partner GiveX at 800-962-4935.
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